Creative Sound Blaster X4 Hi-res 7.1 External USB DAC and Amp Sound Card Headphones

with Super X-Fi® and SmartComms Kit

Available: In Stock

Windows PC | macOS | PS5™ | PS4™ | Nintendo Switch™

1 device. 3 surround sound technologies. 7 I/O connectors.
Your all-in-one audio upgrade starts here with Sound Blaster X4.

  • Multi-channel:
    • Up to 7.1 discrete for multi-channel speakers
    • Up to 7.1 virtual for headphones
  • Surround:
    • Super X-Fi Headphone Holography
    • Sound Blaster's renowned Surround Virtualization
    • Dolby Digital Live
  • I/O connectors:
    • Line-out and Line-in
    • Optical-out and Optical-in
    • USB-C for power and audio
    • Mic-in
    • Headset-in
  • Communication:
    • SmartComms Kit with auto mute and two-way noise cancellation
    • CrystalVoice for clear recordings and in-game communications
  • Controls:
    • Volume control knob
    • Direct mic mute button
    • Three EQ modes and Direct mode
    • Super X-Fi and SXFI BATTLE Mode on / off
    • Speakers (Line-out) and headphones switch
    • Audio Balance feature
  • Software:
    • Creative app via USB on Windows PC and Mac for full audio customization
    • Creative app via Bluetooth® on Android and iOS for quick EQ andaudio tweaks
  • Headphone amplifier:
    • Supports headphone impedance of 32—600Ω
  • Gaming:
    • SXFI BATTLE Mode for realistic audio cues, details, and depth
    • Scout Mode that instantly lets you in on the faintest sounds made byyour foes
  • Audio and power:
    • 114 dB, 24-bit / 192 kHz
    • Convenient USB-C Bus-powered

  • MULTI-CHANNEL SURROUND: #TeamSpeakers or #TeamHeadphones?Why not both? The Sound Blaster X4 supports up to 7.1 discrete and virtualaudio channels, so you won't have to compromise on the way you enjoy your audio.It is also capable of incredible sound performance—acoustics depth anddetail—giving a new lease of life to your headphones and speakers.
  • Also, it offers not just one, but three different surround sound deliveryoptions. Feel free to discover the unique characteristics of each surroundoption, try them out on different types of media content, and maybe—relivethat favorite piece of yours in a whole new light.
  • Super X-Fi – Headphone Holography: More than justsurround technology, Super X-Fi is our award-winning audio technology thatcaptures the listening experience of a high-end multi-speaker system in aprofessional studio to recreates the same expansive experience in headphones.Without missing out on audio cues and immersive ambient effects, you'll be ableto hear the details effortlessly from your headphones—especially spokendialogs in shows—with natural and lifelike soundstage that's deeply immersiveand highly realistic, akin to the movie theaters.
  • Once set up, simply toggle Super X-Fi on and off using the SXFI buttonlocated on the device itself.
  • Sound Blaster Surround Virtualization: We've been in thisspace for a long time—more than 30 years to boot. With our renowned SurroundVirtualization technology, expect top-tier surround processing made possiblethrough our highly optimized algorithms. To put it simply, these algorithmsintelligently identify and enhance the spatial information of the incomingaudio, and optimize it for the chosen output format, drawing you to where theaction is for a complete and immersive auditory experience.
  • Dolby Digital Live: For Windows users, the Sound Blaster X4also features Dolby Digital Live for convenient encoding of any audio sources tomulti-channel surround sound in real-time, all while transmitting data usingonly a single optical cable solution for decoding in a home theater system.
  • Hear Where They Are: Raise your KDR even further in FPSgames with an unfair advantage over your opponents! The Sound Blaster X4 isequipped with both SXFI BATTLE Mode and Scout Mode, so you can choose* the bestweapon for your victory.
  • Communicate Smarter with SmartComms Kit: Skip theunnecessary microphone controls, focus on your online meetings, and sound clearin them without the annoying background noise!
  • Developed to solve common pain points that you face on conference apps, ourSmartComms Kit simplifies the way you communicate online via a suite of smartcommunication features.
  • VoiceDetect – Mute and Unmute Yourself Automatically:Get unmuted as you speak and mute your microphone automatically without liftinga finger.
  • Our VoiceDetect feature controls your mute status by voice detection andfrees up your hands—and mind—so you can focus on other important things,like a brainstorming session for the next product launch.
  • NoiseClean – Two-way Noise Cancellation: Remove unwantednoisy distractions from both ends of a conference call in real time.
  • NoiseClean-in detects static background noises coming from other users inyour voice call, and suppresses the noise while retaining the vocals and spokendialogs so you can hear them clearly. Put simply, NoiseClean-in cleans up thenoises detected from your incoming audio so that their voices arebetter heard.
  • NoiseClean-out does the same—but for your own background noise. Now, noone needs to be asked to “go on mute” anymore.
  • Sound Clearer with CrystalVoice Technology: Improve yourvoice clarity and be heard clearly with our CrystalVoice technology! Theannoying echoes that interfere with your conversations are now a thing of thepast with CrystalVoice's A­coustic Echo Cancellation that removes these echoesthat goes on a parroting loop.
  • At the same time, activate Smart Volume inside the software to speaknormally without having to shout or whisper—Smart Volume automatically adjuststhe loudness of your voice to maintain a consistent volume throughout theconversation, no matter where your microphone (both external and on headset) isangled towards.
  • There's also the Microphone Equalizer that compensates for yourheadset's built-in microphone, or your external microphone—whether it is toreduce the harshness of your tonality or to increase the mids for vocalclarity—so you'll sound much clearer and natural to others.
  • When you're down for some fun, Voice Morph changes your voice into differentcharacters and accents with a list of tuned profiles. Download our Creative appon your Windows PC or Mac to access the CrystalVoice feature!
  • Connect Everything: You asked, we've listened: Theoptical-in port is now on the Sound Blaster X4.
  • With the Sound Blaster X4 and its 7 I/O connectors, it's now much easierto connect multiple audio devices! From external microphones and headsets, toplatforms like your PC, Mac, gaming consoles, and even your multi-channelspeaker systems—this practically converts your desktop setup into anaudio hub.
  • Speaker systems:: Breathe new life into your surroundspeaker system! The line-out ports consisting of Front, Side, Rear, and Center /Sub ports allow you to connect your 2.1, 5.1, and even 7.1 speakers foroutstanding audio clarity. Coupled with 7.1 discrete and virtual support,refresh your same old speakers with a new sound identity.
    • PS4™ (with voice chat), Blu-ray, Set-top boxes, TV, mobiledevices: Chat in-game with your teammates on PS4 and enjoy the SoundBlaster X4's enhanced audio delivery at the same time with the newly addedoptical-in port! It's also compatible with your Blu-ray players, set-top boxes,and even TV. You can also connect the Sound Blaster X4 to your PS5™ via a HDMIto optical converter (not included) for enhanced audio during yourgameplay!
    • The very same port also acts as a line-in port that will work with yourmobile devices or audio players for high-quality audio without fuss.
    • AV receiver: Easily connect your Sound Blaster X4 to yourAV receiver and your prized surround system using the optical-out port for anenhanced listening experience.
    • Powering the Sound Blaster X4: The USB-C port makes it easyfor you to power up the device right on your desktop once the connection ismade. And when connected to platforms like PC and Mac, the USB-C connection isused for both power and audio, making it super convenient (with less mess) toset up.
    • External mics and headsets / headphones with mic: Locatedon the front of the Sound Blaster X4 for easy access to the microphone andheadset ports, simply plug in your preferred choice and get started. Need yourteam to hear you better? You can further adjust your microphone's gain andvolume boost via the Acoustic Engine module of the Creative app. The SoundBlaster X4 is also a headphone amplifier that's capable of driving studio-gradeheadphones of up to 600Ω with ease.
  • Controls: While it sports a clean and simple look, theSound Blaster X4 comes with all the essential controls on the front of theproduct for easy access.
  • Personalize Everything: Plus, there are loads ofcustomizable settings for the Sound Blaster X4 on the Creative app. The bestpart? You can choose to tweak each and every element, or switch them offcompletely.
  • The Sound Blaster Quality: As it always is with any of ourSound Blaster products, our unwavering Sound Blaster promise—audio quality.The Sound Blaster X4 features 114 dB audio clarity with high-resolution192 kHz / 24-bit playback for detailed audio that's well balanced andaccurate. The extra power from the built-in amplifier also means you'll get avolume boost from the get go.

Windows PC | macOS | PS5™ | PS4™ | Nintendo Switch™

1 device. 3 surround sound technologies. 7 I/O connectors.
Your all-in-one audio upgrade starts here with Sound Blaster X4.

  • Multi-channel:
    • Up to 7.1 discrete for multi-channel speakers
    • Up to 7.1 virtual for headphones
  • Surround:
    • Super X-Fi Headphone Holography
    • Sound Blaster's renowned Surround Virtualization
    • Dolby Digital Live
  • I/O connectors:
    • Line-out and Line-in
    • Optical-out and Optical-in
    • USB-C for power and audio
    • Mic-in
    • Headset-in
  • Communication:
    • SmartComms Kit with auto mute and two-way noise cancellation
    • CrystalVoice for clear recordings and in-game communications
  • Controls:
    • Volume control knob
    • Direct mic mute button
    • Three EQ modes and Direct mode
    • Super X-Fi and SXFI BATTLE Mode on / off
    • Speakers (Line-out) and headphones switch
    • Audio Balance feature
  • Software:
    • Creative app via USB on Windows PC and Mac for full audio customization
    • Creative app via Bluetooth® on Android and iOS for quick EQ andaudio tweaks
  • Headphone amplifier:
    • Supports headphone impedance of 32—600Ω
  • Gaming:
    • SXFI BATTLE Mode for realistic audio cues, details, and depth
    • Scout Mode that instantly lets you in on the faintest sounds made byyour foes
  • Audio and power:
    • 114 dB, 24-bit / 192 kHz
    • Convenient USB-C Bus-powered

  • MULTI-CHANNEL SURROUND: #TeamSpeakers or #TeamHeadphones?Why not both? The Sound Blaster X4 supports up to 7.1 discrete and virtualaudio channels, so you won't have to compromise on the way you enjoy your audio.It is also capable of incredible sound performance—acoustics depth anddetail—giving a new lease of life to your headphones and speakers.
  • Also, it offers not just one, but three different surround sound deliveryoptions. Feel free to discover the unique characteristics of each surroundoption, try them out on different types of media content, and maybe—relivethat favorite piece of yours in a whole new light.
  • Super X-Fi – Headphone Holography: More than justsurround technology, Super X-Fi is our award-winning audio technology thatcaptures the listening experience of a high-end multi-speaker system in aprofessional studio to recreates the same expansive experience in headphones.Without missing out on audio cues and immersive ambient effects, you'll be ableto hear the details effortlessly from your headphones—especially spokendialogs in shows—with natural and lifelike soundstage that's deeply immersiveand highly realistic, akin to the movie theaters.
  • Once set up, simply toggle Super X-Fi on and off using the SXFI buttonlocated on the device itself.
  • Sound Blaster Surround Virtualization: We've been in thisspace for a long time—more than 30 years to boot. With our renowned SurroundVirtualization technology, expect top-tier surround processing made possiblethrough our highly optimized algorithms. To put it simply, these algorithmsintelligently identify and enhance the spatial information of the incomingaudio, and optimize it for the chosen output format, drawing you to where theaction is for a complete and immersive auditory experience.
  • Dolby Digital Live: For Windows users, the Sound Blaster X4also features Dolby Digital Live for convenient encoding of any audio sources tomulti-channel surround sound in real-time, all while transmitting data usingonly a single optical cable solution for decoding in a home theater system.
  • Hear Where They Are: Raise your KDR even further in FPSgames with an unfair advantage over your opponents! The Sound Blaster X4 isequipped with both SXFI BATTLE Mode and Scout Mode, so you can choose* the bestweapon for your victory.
  • Communicate Smarter with SmartComms Kit: Skip theunnecessary microphone controls, focus on your online meetings, and sound clearin them without the annoying background noise!
  • Developed to solve common pain points that you face on conference apps, ourSmartComms Kit simplifies the way you communicate online via a suite of smartcommunication features.
  • VoiceDetect – Mute and Unmute Yourself Automatically:Get unmuted as you speak and mute your microphone automatically without liftinga finger.
  • Our VoiceDetect feature controls your mute status by voice detection andfrees up your hands—and mind—so you can focus on other important things,like a brainstorming session for the next product launch.
  • NoiseClean – Two-way Noise Cancellation: Remove unwantednoisy distractions from both ends of a conference call in real time.
  • NoiseClean-in detects static background noises coming from other users inyour voice call, and suppresses the noise while retaining the vocals and spokendialogs so you can hear them clearly. Put simply, NoiseClean-in cleans up thenoises detected from your incoming audio so that their voices arebetter heard.
  • NoiseClean-out does the same—but for your own background noise. Now, noone needs to be asked to “go on mute” anymore.
  • Sound Clearer with CrystalVoice Technology: Improve yourvoice clarity and be heard clearly with our CrystalVoice technology! Theannoying echoes that interfere with your conversations are now a thing of thepast with CrystalVoice's A­coustic Echo Cancellation that removes these echoesthat goes on a parroting loop.
  • At the same time, activate Smart Volume inside the software to speaknormally without having to shout or whisper—Smart Volume automatically adjuststhe loudness of your voice to maintain a consistent volume throughout theconversation, no matter where your microphone (both external and on headset) isangled towards.
  • There's also the Microphone Equalizer that compensates for yourheadset's built-in microphone, or your external microphone—whether it is toreduce the harshness of your tonality or to increase the mids for vocalclarity—so you'll sound much clearer and natural to others.
  • When you're down for some fun, Voice Morph changes your voice into differentcharacters and accents with a list of tuned profiles. Download our Creative appon your Windows PC or Mac to access the CrystalVoice feature!
  • Connect Everything: You asked, we've listened: Theoptical-in port is now on the Sound Blaster X4.
  • With the Sound Blaster X4 and its 7 I/O connectors, it's now much easierto connect multiple audio devices! From external microphones and headsets, toplatforms like your PC, Mac, gaming consoles, and even your multi-channelspeaker systems—this practically converts your desktop setup into anaudio hub.
  • Speaker systems:: Breathe new life into your surroundspeaker system! The line-out ports consisting of Front, Side, Rear, and Center /Sub ports allow you to connect your 2.1, 5.1, and even 7.1 speakers foroutstanding audio clarity. Coupled with 7.1 discrete and virtual support,refresh your same old speakers with a new sound identity.
    • PS4™ (with voice chat), Blu-ray, Set-top boxes, TV, mobiledevices: Chat in-game with your teammates on PS4 and enjoy the SoundBlaster X4's enhanced audio delivery at the same time with the newly addedoptical-in port! It's also compatible with your Blu-ray players, set-top boxes,and even TV. You can also connect the Sound Blaster X4 to your PS5™ via a HDMIto optical converter (not included) for enhanced audio during yourgameplay!
    • The very same port also acts as a line-in port that will work with yourmobile devices or audio players for high-quality audio without fuss.
    • AV receiver: Easily connect your Sound Blaster X4 to yourAV receiver and your prized surround system using the optical-out port for anenhanced listening experience.
    • Powering the Sound Blaster X4: The USB-C port makes it easyfor you to power up the device right on your desktop once the connection ismade. And when connected to platforms like PC and Mac, the USB-C connection isused for both power and audio, making it super convenient (with less mess) toset up.
    • External mics and headsets / headphones with mic: Locatedon the front of the Sound Blaster X4 for easy access to the microphone andheadset ports, simply plug in your preferred choice and get started. Need yourteam to hear you better? You can further adjust your microphone's gain andvolume boost via the Acoustic Engine module of the Creative app. The SoundBlaster X4 is also a headphone amplifier that's capable of driving studio-gradeheadphones of up to 600Ω with ease.
  • Controls: While it sports a clean and simple look, theSound Blaster X4 comes with all the essential controls on the front of theproduct for easy access.
  • Personalize Everything: Plus, there are loads ofcustomizable settings for the Sound Blaster X4 on the Creative app. The bestpart? You can choose to tweak each and every element, or switch them offcompletely.
  • The Sound Blaster Quality: As it always is with any of ourSound Blaster products, our unwavering Sound Blaster promise—audio quality.The Sound Blaster X4 features 114 dB audio clarity with high-resolution192 kHz / 24-bit playback for detailed audio that's well balanced andaccurate. The extra power from the built-in amplifier also means you'll get avolume boost from the get go.

Delivery Rates

Australia Delivery - Our delivery rates vary based on the weight and volume of your total order. An accurate shipping cost will be calculated during the checkout process. Orders are shipped by air via Australia Post straight to your door! 

Delivery Times 

Orders ship from our fulfillment partner Mighty Ape. Their warehouse is based in New Zealand with daily flights across the Tasman with Australia Post.

As a result of courier delays in Australia due to Covid-19, the current standard delivery times for In Stock products using Australia Post are as follows:

  • QLD 3-5 business days
  • NSW 3-6 business days
  • ACT 4-6 business days
  • VIC 5-9 business days
  • SA 6-9 business days
  • TAS, WA 7-9 business days
  • NT 7-10 business days

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